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Image by Thomas Coker


instalatii electrice pentru cladiri rezidentiale

Low and medium voltage electrical installations for residential projects

Low and medium voltage for residential electrical installations refer to the wiring system and equipment used in a building to supply electricity and ensure the correct operation of various electrical equipment.

Instalatii electrice

Low and medium voltage electrical installations for commercial and industrial spaces

Low and medium voltage electrical installations for commercial and industrial projects include a wide range of systems, equipment and components optimized according to each space: shops, offices, restaurants and exhibition halls or industrial locations such as warehouses and factories.

instalatii curenti slabi

Low current electrical installations (fire detection, CCTV, access control)

Low current electrical installations are essential systems for the safety and security of buildings and facilities. These installations include fire detection systems, video surveillance systems (CCTV) and access control systems.


instalatii de stingere a incendiului

Execution of fire protection installations

The execution of fire protection installations is the process of installing and configuring systems and equipment that help prevent, detect and fight fires in a building or facility. These facilities are essential for the protection of life and property and are governed by strict safety standards and regulations.

instalatii sanitare

Execution of sanitary installations

The execution of sanitary installations are essential processes in the construction and arrangement of a building, ensuring the correct and efficient operation of sanitary systems. Plumbing includes water mains, sewer mains and water management.

instalatii termice

Execution of thermal installations

The execution of thermal installations is the process of installing systems that provide heat and hot water in a building or facility. These installations may include heating plants, radiators, pipes, boilers, valves and other components necessary for the correct operation of the system.

panouri fotovoltaice

Execution and assembly  for power plants and photovoltaic parks

Execution and assembly of power plants and photovoltaic industrial projects is a complex and specialized process, with the aim of generating electricity.

The process starts with the design of the plant or photovoltaic project.

Execution: After the completion of the project, the execution of the works begins.

Installation: Installation involves installing the solar panels on the support structures and connecting them to the wiring and inverter systems.

Testing and commissioning: After the assembly is completed, tests and inspections are carried out to verify the correct operation of the entire system.











Str. George Bacovia, No. 35A, Sector 4, Bucharest, Romania.




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